I’m often found on forums through the week, one’s like the Warrior Forum or Wealthy Affiliate - normally not getting involved with the conversations that are taking place, just watching. I’ve found that it takes up way too much of my time when I start posting, I go back, check what others are saying and before you know it half the day has gone.
When I am there though I watch and listen to what people are talking about (it’s a great way to find out what would sell well) and one thing that comes up over and over again is “What’s the secret?” or “What do you know that I don’t?” – we’ve all seen the posts.
I’ve often thought of jumping in and adding my two cents to the conversation – “THERE IS NO SECRET!”
There are lots of people that come back and say this – it’s usually not well received. People don’t want to know that there is no secret to becoming successful, it’s all down to learning, taking action and focus. I’m not saying that everyone will all of a sudden become rich by following these three steps but you will be able to learn what has worked for you and what you need to work on.
Once you learn something (Squidoo for example) and then take action and stay focused on the topic (don’t get side tracked with new things) you will be able to see what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t get the results that you wanted – find out what went wrong. Is it down to traffic? Down to poor copy? Or are you not giving clear call to action signs along the way?
Each of these things can be worked on and made better – you also know not to make the same mistakes again! When something works you can simply rinse and repeat.
You've been reading Do You Know The Secret? that can be found at Kelly Stone. Did you enjoy this post? You can find more from Kelly at her blog or you can keep in touch with her via Twitter, Facebook or over at Google +1.